Waiting for warm weather

After Easter, spring taking its sweet time

Easter Egg

From our home to those of all our friends and family, a Happy Easter to one and all! Soon, we will be able to have dinner on the patio and enjoy warm weather again.

The WordPress software on this site lets anyone register, and become a subscriber. As the web site owner, I have to manually “upgrade” subscribers to become “contributors,” which lets you write comments on the web site. I hope my friends and family add comments on my recently-published corn bread recipe.

The computer generated registrants on this site, like those e-mail addresses from eastern Europe, and the anonymous ones with e-mail addresses composed of random alphabet soup characters are once again history!

Happy Easter to all my friends and family!

About Andrea

Andrea Seepersaud is the Seepersaud family scribe. She is the President of Upper Canada Immigration Consultants. In 2012, Andrea was awarded the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal in Canada.

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