Summer events in Mississauga
Perfect summer night, good food, nice music and just the right company at the right time for a memorable and warm summer evening.

With EduNational colleague Gabriella Herrero at RibFest 2013 listening to the band Blackboard Blues. They certainly looked like retired teachers to us.
Sometimes, time pauses and for an evening, something perfect happens. The annual RibFest at Celebration Square in Mississauga was just such a mid-July event. The oppressive heat and humidity had lifted with a Friday thunderstorm that washed the air clear. The weekend weather was sunny, warm and dry. And what better event to take in with Bob and my then-EduNational colleague, Gabriella Herrero, than the annual RibFest that the different Rotary Clubs in Mississauga host at Celebration Square, the recently-built gathering place for special events in Mississauga. The artificial grass at Celebration Square has turned out to be a great place to hear a concert, as it does not bake in the sun, or turn to a sea of muddy ooze if the weather has been wet.
Other than a somewhat long line to get in (which moved much more quickly than any of us anticipated), and a pretty packed Celebration Square, the rest was an idyllic summer event. The ribs were not too salty, and I picked out the vendor. The beans and coleslaw were, well… beans and coleslaw. What else did you have in mind?
The ribs were just terrific. Gabriella enjoyed the barbecue chicken, and we all took in some of the music. Bob took a few photos, and you will find one here, and a few more on my Facebook site. After staying until about halfway through the evening’s final performance, we left ahead of the exodus, and had a relaxing cup of Blueberry Tea in the candlelit gazebo at home.
I had to mind the cats and go to the Legislature during that cruise. I am looking forward to enjoying…