Merlin goes shopping
Merlin went Christmas shopping at the pet store with his Daddy to see his friends and buy cat food. He wore his Christmas coat.
Merlin went Christmas shopping at the pet store with his Daddy to see his friends and buy cat food. He wore his Christmas coat.
The first big snow storm of the season roared in riding high winds in late January. We stocked up on groceries at home, and neither of us really had to go out anywhere, so we heard the winds of an Alberta Clipper, a fast-moving west-to-east storm, carry its load of snow into Mississauga. Everybody was nice and cozy at home, especially the cats.
Easter 2018 at home meant friends and family, and some delightful recipes to try, especially hot cross buns, oven-baked and fresh. They were terrific!
Merry Christmas to all our friends, neighbours and family, and a Happy New Year! Our Christmas card photo was taken in October in our gazebo in the back yard. The photo was just in time. The next day, bad weather closed in on Mississauga for about a week.
One Friday in late February of 2016, Bob stopped at our favourite pet shop to get some food for Bebe. At the shop, they have an arrangement with a cat rescue agency called Ninth Life Cat Rescue. They accept cat litters, arrange for people to foster expecting females, and place both kittens and also older cats given up for one reason or another by their owners.
One such cat, named Merlin, was at the shop on that day. Bob asked what the story was on Merlin. Merlin had been raised and owned by a lady, now elderly, who was slipping into dementia, and was struggling to remember to look after Merlin. Just past his 13th birthday, Merlin needed a new home. Bob picked him up, and something magic happened to both of them.
I had to mind the cats and go to the Legislature during that cruise. I am looking forward to enjoying…